Discover our favourite free image banks!
When we’re working on a project (content or websites), we ask our clients to give us all the content they already have for their project. This allows us to have a helicopter view on what we have and what we have to produce. When we work with startups, they don’t have any content or visuals to give us. Which mean that most of the time they also don’t have the budget to hire a professional photographer to take some pictures.
Never forget : great content makes great projects!
We all know that the internet is an extremely useful tool today. Even to replace a photographer…You may know that some artists share their artwork freely, but do you also know where to find those pictures? We’ll share some of the best free image banks with amazing pictures that will help you to save some money!
A little note : even if you don’t have to pay for the visual itself, you can always donate, and some of the platforms ask to credit the author. So think about your karma next time you download a visual.

Our favourite! Type any keyword and you will be able to find extremely good pictures! As graphic designers and photograph lovers, we are totally in love with the aesthetic, the quality and the diversity of the pictures. A precious resource when we have to illustrate some content for our client!
“Sharing is Caring!”
As they say when you download something in HD :
“Crediting isn’t required, but is appreciated and allows photographers to gain exposure. Copy the text below or embed a credit badge.” So do it in a credits page or directly in your blogpost!
Search whatever you want and be prepared…They have A LOT of beautiful photos. And vectors. And illustrations! A major plus is that you can directly download the stock photo with the resolution that you need. Smart and efficient!
Below every artist, there’s a button named “café”, a nicely way to redirect you for a donation. No obligation but again, think about your karma 😉
A clean and intuitive library! Each research offers you some similar categories, so be prepared to spend some time on this website. Just like Pixabay, you can choose to download a High or Low resolution. It’s a small feature but it makes the difference!
Stock Snap
We’ve just discovered StockSnap and it’s quite impressive. As they say in their FAQ : “All photos on StockSnap have been released under Creative Commons – CC0. ” So be free to use the images that you need and once again, even if it’s not required, mention your artist.
There are so many more image banks but we all have our precious ones and we hope that this article may help the freelancers, clients and everybody, to find their happiness. Sure that we did!
Main photo by Anete Lūsiņa on Unsplash