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Let’s go for green hosting

Green your website

If you are looking for a new hosting provider, or if you would like to change your provider, we recommend you to choose an eco-friendly web hosting that uses renewable energy.

At fources agency we work with Combell as hosting provider. Combell is a Belgian provider and that’s why we prefer to work with them, we like to keep it local. Comparing to other hosting providers, we are very satisfied with their customer service. You can expect a quick answer from their support team. Very important when you have a problem with your website…

Next to that, they like to take the lead in greening its operations. Combell is proud to be part of Belgium’s 7 green hosting companies that have been recognized by the Green Web Foundation. It’s an organisation that allows anyone to check if a hosting provider is green, and thus if it uses renewable energy.

All the websites that are hosted on Combell’s servers, are hosted in a climate-friendly environment. They also encourage their employees to make use of their bicycle leasing service, their colleagues have to travel fewer miles thanks to the teleworking.

If you would like to have more information about green hosting or if you need help to transfer your domain name and hosting, feel free to send us an email :

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