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Discover our Utick plugin

As theatre or cultural center, you probably use Utick, the best (and Belgian) solution for your ticketing system. This tool offers more than 250 functionalities online and at the counter. We already have implemented this tool in several websites.

Utick’s API has changed since 2016 and as digital seekers, we decided to develop a simple plugin to help cultural centers and theatres. Thanks to our plugin, you will we able to add and connect your Utick account directly to your website. The basic version of this plugin is free of charge and can be implemented by any cultural organization.

How to implement the plugin :

1/ Go to the utick plugin (in your settings) and add your keys. Save the changes.

2/ Create a new page, add a block and insert the shortcode. Be aware : it has to be between square brackets as in the example below. Click “update” to save your changes. Don’t forge to check the page afterwords to see if everything is ok.


Absolutely not. You only need your keys provided by Utick (private and public key). The plugin will directly connect your Utick account to your website.

The basic version of  the Utick plugin is free of charge (as below in the live version). If you would like to customize some aspects, you can send us an email and we will help you with it. Are you working with another developer and they want to charge you for this plugin? Please be aware that you don’t have to pay for it. If you have a doubt, call us.

Yes, the plugin will automatically match with the style of your website. The information shown on the page will have your colors, your fonts etc…

The plugin has basic behavior like in the example below. If you have specific demands and would like to add more elements, feel free to ask us a quotation.

This plugin is only a link between Utick and your website. All the information that you provide are on the Utick RGPD policy. There is no third party involved in this plugin.

The new one.

No, it’s for WordPress only.

Of course! Try to open this page on your smarphone and see the live example below. The events will be displayed in one column.

Live example

Education permanente => Evasion d'un jour

Malines, beauté majestueuse

Malines, beauté majestueuse

On reprend la route… Direction Malines pour notre nouvelle Évasion d’un jour ! La journée débutera par une visite guidée pédestre du centre-ville historique. Saviez-vous qu’à l’époque bourguignonne, au XVIe siècle, Malines jouait un rôle politique et économique de premier plan ? De nombreux bâtiments historiques en témoignent, à l’image de la célèbre cathédrale Saint-Rombaut.

Après une pause de midi bien méritée, nous découvrirons l’école de Carillon en compagnie d’un carillonneur. Fondée en 1922 par Jef Denyn, elle est le premier établissement du genre ! Malines est d’ailleurs la capitale de cet art…

Enfin, avant de regagner nos contrées, nous embarquerons pour un passionnant tour en bateau sur la Dyle, l’artère vive de Malines. Tout en voguant, vous en apprendrez plus sur les bâtiments et l’histoire de la ville. Rejoignez-nous…

Départ à 08 heures sur le parking du CCW - Retour prévu vers 20 heures.

Prix comprenant les visites guidées et le transport en car. Temps de midi libre, possibilité de se restaurer sur place ou prévoir son pique-nique.

Nombre de places limité. Inscription obligatoire. Clôture des inscriptions le 31/03/2023.

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